گردآوری مطالب با موضوع حکومتباز و صنعت گردشگری (توریسم)
Tourism and Open Government and Open Data
گردآوری مطالب با موضوع حکومتباز و صنعت گردشگری (توریسم)
Tourism and Open Government and Open Data
کتاب Open Tourism
Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Co-Creation Challenging the Tourism Industry
فهرست مطالب
[left]Towards a Holistic Framework of Open Tourism[/left]
[left]Innovation Through Co-creation: Towards an Understanding of Technology-Facilitated Co-creation Processes in Tourism[/left]
[left]The Importance of Customer Co-creation of Value for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry[/left]
[left]IT-Enabled Value Co-creation in a Tourism Context: The Portale Sardegna Case[/left]
[left]Open Source Marketing in Tourism: Motivational Drivers and Practical Approaches[/left]
[left]Crowdsourcing in the Lodging Industry: Innovation on a Budget[/left]
[left]Improving Hotel Industry Processes Through Crowdsourcing Techniques[/left]
[left]Motivation for Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Why Does the Crowd Engage in Virtual Ideas Communities?[/left]
[left]The Value of Crowdfunding: The Significance of Community-Financed Projects Beyond the Act of Financing[/left]
[left]Open Innovation in the Tourism Experience Sector: The Role of Practice Based Knowledge Explored[/left]
[left]Open Innovation: A Chance for the Innovation Management of Tourism Destinations?[/left]
[left]Managing Open Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises[/left]
[left]Part II Case Studies: Information Level[/left]
[left]Part III Case Studies: Creation Level[/left]
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یکی از اثرهای پرونده تأثیرات داده باز نیز به همین موضوع میپردازد:
گزارش موسسه Open در رابطه با استفاده از داده گردشگری باز در حوزه کارائیب:
مقالهای با عنوان استفاده از دادهباز در صنعت گردشگری اخیرا توسط پورتال دادهباز اتحادیهی اروپا منتشر شده است:
Data is a central asset in management and marketing of tourism destinations and businesses. The development of information and communications technology is rapidly changing the tourism industry. In this study we explore the concept of open data in the tourism context through existing examples. Based on the results, open data has great potential to increase innovations and destination management in tourism with already some best practice cases existing. However, there are no rigorous methodologies or functions for success at this moment and further studies are needed. This is the first study to examine open data in the field of tourism in this scale, we provide a review of the relevant literature to the topic and also provide a starting point for future studies on the topic.
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