موسسهی ODI در مطلبی به بررسی نگاهها و تعاریف مختلف data trust پرداخته است. در ادامه به مرور این مطلب میپردازیم.
What is a data trust?
At a very high level, the aim of data trusts appears to be to give people and organisations confidence when enabling access to data in ways that provide them with some value (either directly or indirectly) in return.
we’ve found different interpretations of the term ‘data trust’:
- A data trust as a repeatable framework of terms and mechanisms.
- A data trust as a mutual organisation.
- A data trust as a legal structure.
- A data trust as a store of data.
- A data trust as public oversight of data access.
A useful and consistent definition of a data trust might ultimately be a combination of parts from the different interpretations. For example, a data trust could be a repeatable framework of terms and mechanisms that is mandated for use (or subject to scrutiny, or certification) in particular contexts to provide oversight of data access. Or it could be a store of data underpinned by a legal trust (in fact, this is what Trūata already is). In general, the term seems to be used to describe a bundle of choices related to different aspects of data access, such as purpose, governance and technology.
A data trust as a repeatable framework of terms and mechanisms, however, does seem different in nature to the other interpretations. It appears to describe the process of using the data trust as much as the data trust itself. We think of there being three elements to this interpretation: 1) the repeatable framework, 2) the process of applying or adopting it in a particular context, and 3) the resultant relationship.