در این موضوع سعی میشود با ادبیات اقتصاد رفتاری و در کل علوم رفتاری به تعارض منافع نگاه و در صورت امکان از این دریچه تحلیل و بررسی شود. به عبارتی دیگر این موضوع فتح بابی برای نسبت علوم رفتاری و تعارض منافع است:
در همین راستا مقالهای از تیلر (البته با نویسنده کتاب سقلمه و نوبلیست 2017 اقتصاد فرق میکنه):
Managing Conflicts of Interest within Organizations: Does Activating Social Values Change the Impact of Self-Interest on Behavior?
[justify]Many organizational conflicts involve tensions between a person’s motivation to act in their own self-interest and the efforts to authorities, rules, and institutions to bring people’s conduct into line with social values involving justice and morality. This chapter explores the manner in which people in organizational settings manage personal conflicts between their self-interest and their views about what is just or moral. Past explorations of people’s behavior in mixed-motive situations presents behavior as developing from a balancing of self- interested and moral/justice-based motivations. In contrast, the ap- proach used here – the social value activation model – focuses on the consequences of activating social values. The results of several stud- ies suggest that self-interested and ethical motivations interact, that is, once people’s ethical motivations are activated they subsequently give less weight to calculations of personal self-interest when making behavioral decisions. Implications for the management of conflicts of interest in organizations are explored.[/justify]
سطح تحلیل در علوم و بینش های رفتاری، کنش (Behavioral) است. از این حیث که تعارض منافع درون انسان شکل میگیرد و انسان بین دو راهی انتخاب منفعت بجا و منفعت نابجا قرار میگیرد. علوم رفتاری میتواند از طریق مداخلات نرم به تغییر انتخاب منفعت نابجا به منفعت بجا به ما کمک کند.