فهرست کنفرانسهای سال 2018 که با رویکرد فناوری شهروندی و فعالیتهای توسعهی زیستبوم برگزار میشود به شرح زیر است :
Open Food Data, 27-28 January 2018, https://food.opendata.ch/
Open Food Data, 16-17 February 2018, https://food.opendata.ch/
Data4Change.Ge, 21-25 February 2018, http://www.data4chan.ge/beirut-18
Open Data Day, 3rd March 2018, http://opendataday.org/
Internet Freedom Festival, 5-9 March 2018, https://internetfreedomfestival.org/
TICTeC, 18-19 April 2018, http://tictec.mysociety.org/2018
OKFestival, 3-6 May 2018, http://2018.okfestival.org/
RightsCon, 16-18 May 2018, https://www.rightscon.org/
International Open Data Conference, 21-22 September 2018, http://opendatacon.org/
UN World Data Forum, 22-24 October 2018, https://undataforum.org/
[justify]Apply to Attend OpenCon—Including Travel Scholarships![/justify]
[justify]Hi Mohammad Hossein,[/justify]
[justify]Applications to attend OpenCon 2018 in Toronto on November 2-4 are officially open! You can apply now at www.opencon2018.org/apply Similar to previous years, the application form includes the option to request a travel scholarship, which will be awarded to most participants who are offered an invitation to the meeting and require financial support to attend.[/justify]
[justify]Applications will remain open for 4 weeks until July 13th at 11:59pm U.S. Pacific Time. However, we strongly encourage you to apply early. Applications submitted early will be reviewed first, and the Organizing Committee may issue early acceptance decisions, especially to applicants who need visas.[/justify]
[justify]The benefits of applying for OpenCon extend far beyond attending the meeting in Toronto. It’s an opportunity to find new collaborators, get connected with scholarships to attend related conferences, and be recognized by the community for the work you do to promote openness in research and education![/justify]
[justify]OpenCon 2018’s three-day program will begin with two days of panels and interactive workshops that highlight diverse, early career voices from every continent. The third day will feature an all-day “Do-A-Thon,” where participants have the opportunity to craft new campaigns, lay the foundations for new resources, and form collaborations that will continue long after the November conference is over.[/justify]
[justify]OpenCon is more than just a conference—it’s also a community. We hope that you participate as an active part of the community, tune in for our monthly community calls, or consider hosting an OpenCon satellite event in your region.[/justify]
[justify]We hope you’ll apply this year and look forward to seeing you in the OpenCon community![/justify]
[justify]Nick Shockey,[/justify]
[justify]On behalf of the OpenCon 2018 Organizing Committee[/justify]
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